GDIC > Projects > Data Solutions > Sewer Inspection Data Reports – Saugeen Shores, Ontario

Sewer Inspection Data Reports – Saugeen Shores, Ontario

SaugeenShores Ontario

Case details

Saugeen Shores needed to obtain up-to-date digital records of its sewer lines and to comply with its annual obligations as per the provincial regulations, the Town was soliciting the services of a professional Sewer Inspection Contractor to inspect, rate, map and submit detailed reports for approximately 27,400 lineal meters of sanitary sewer plus sewer laterals in the Town area.

GDIC and its partners mobilized brand new CCTV trucks enhanced by proprietary technologies and supported by its engineering and R&D division and managed to successfully complete the inspections, mapping and GIS data integration of all sewer lines within the given time-frame and on budget, providing back to the Town a geo-referenced, 3D-enabled digital outline of its underground sewer network with videos, photos, ratings and observations spatially allocated across the Town.

The Town of Saugeen Shores acquired all necessary and valuable information which allow it to manage their assets, identify blockages and schedule for maintenance before the budgeting period. At the same time the Town has access to GDIC’s web-GIS platform, hosted by its partner, allowing the Town to use this data for maintenance, emergencies and Asset Management purposes.
