GDIC > Projects > Data Solutions > As-Built Integration Project – Stouffville, Ontario

As-Built Integration Project – Stouffville, Ontario

Stouffville, Ontario

Case details

Whitchurch–Stouffville is a municipality in the Greater Toronto Area, approximately 50 kilometers north of downtown Toronto, 206.41 square kilometers in size, with a population of approximately 50,000 residents. Between 2011 and 2016, the town grew 21.8%, making it the second fastest growing municipality in York Region.

Due to increasing development activities in the area, the Town was falling behind with managing its public locates while many times was being overcharged for locates by third-party developer working in the un-assumed subdivisions. Additionally, due to the numerous construction projects the Town was facing delays with integrating the new “as-built” information coming from the various contractors to their central GIS database.

GDIC was hired by a contractor to support the Town initially with the overflow of locate requests but eventually it became the exclusive contractor managing most of the Town’s public locates. In parallel, GDIC was contracted to do all the Utility Locates covering the un-assumed subdivisions and provide digital records back to the Town when that is needed.

At the same time, GDIC was used to compile all the Town’s “as-built” information, converted and integrated these to the Town’s GIS database. GDIC was utilized to provide the Town’s agents with access to its proprietary locate management and clearing portal, “Locatorbase”. Via “Locatorbase” enables users to receive, filter, clear, dispatch and manage locate requests. The system is automatically connected to Ontario 1Call and allows users to work on GIS-based environment.

Via GDIC’s know-how and its’ technologies, The Town of Whitchurch–Stouffville has now a streamlined and cost-effective system to access its infrastructure information, comply with provincial regulations and manage the work associated with its Utility Networks.